Canquest LTC Blog

Fostering Connections in Long-Term Care: A Digital Solution from Canquest

As technology continues to evolve, the importance of robust digital solutions in long-term care facilities has become increasingly evident. At Canquest, we are dedicated to providing reliable, high-speed internet and cost-effective phone services to long-term care facilities and senior living residences across Southwestern Ontario, ensuring residents stay connected with their loved ones and engaged with the world around them. With over 30 years of experience in providing residential, commercial, and government telecommunication solutions across the region, Canquest brings a wealth of expertise and commitment to enhancing the quality of life in these settings.

The Importance of Digital Connectivity in Long-Term Care

Digital connectivity is crucial in long-term care settings, enhancing residents’ quality of life by enabling them to maintain relationships, access information, and participate in digital activities. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the significance of internet connectivity, as many long-term care facilities relied on virtual communication to keep residents connected with family and friends.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA), social isolation and loneliness among long-term care residents increased significantly during the pandemic, with severe implications for their mental and emotional well-being. The study emphasized the need for improved digital solutions to foster connections and reduce isolation.

Addressing Societal Misconceptions

There is a prevailing societal misconception that older populations do not need to stay connected or are incapable of using modern technology. This mindset often leads to long-term care residents being forgotten and overlooked when it comes to digital inclusion. However, residents in these facilities are more than capable of using a variety of technologies, and more effectively, with reliable internet services. They, like everyone else, benefit immensely from staying connected, whether it’s through video calls with family, accessing online health resources, or engaging in digital entertainment. It’s essential to recognize and address this misconception to ensure older adults are not left behind in the digital age.

Benefits of Digital Connectivity for Long-Term Care Residents

  1. Social Connection: High-speed internet allows residents to video call their loved ones, participate in virtual events, and engage in social media. This can significantly reduce feelings of isolation and improve mental well-being.
  2. Access to Information: With reliable, cost competitive internet, residents can stay informed about current events, access educational content, and enjoy a variety of online entertainment options. This keeps their minds active and engaged.
  3. Enhanced Communication with Healthcare Providers: Digital connectivity facilitates seamless communication with healthcare providers, allowing residents to manage appointments, receive updates, and access online health resources.
  4. Increased Opportunities for Digital Engagement: From online games to virtual tours, the internet offers a wealth of activities that can be tailored to residents’ interests, providing them with new ways to stay entertained and mentally stimulated.

Canquest’s Commitment to Long-Term Care Facilities

At Canquest, we recognize the unique needs of long-term care and senior living residences and are committed to providing the best possible internet solutions to support these environments. Our high-speed internet services ensure that digital applications run smoothly, offering a reliable connection for all online activities.

We work closely with long-term care facilities to understand their specific requirements and provide tailored internet connectivity solutions. Our goal is to ensure that every resident has the opportunity to experience the benefits of digital connectivity, from maintaining social connections to accessing vital information.

For long-term care facilities already equipped with internet services, Canquest offers specialized phone line solutions. Consider a facility with 100 rooms where residents frequently move in and out. Maintaining cost-effective and reliable phone service is essential, and with seamless customer porting of existing phone numbers, this ensures reliable connection with friends and family. Canquest can offer these phone services at a cost reduction of at least 50%.

Success Stories

Several long-term care facilities in Chatham-Kent county have successfully integrated Canquest’s internet and phone services, resulting in improved resident satisfaction and engagement.

The Future of Digital Connectivity in Long-Term Care

As we look to the future, the role of digital connectivity in long-term care will continue to grow. Innovations in technology will offer even more opportunities for residents to stay connected, engaged, and informed. At Canquest, we are committed to staying at the forefront of these advancements, continually enhancing our services to meet the evolving needs of long-term care facilities.

In conclusion, digital connectivity and reliable phone services play a vital role in improving the quality of life for your customers. With Canquest’s reliable internet connectivity and phone solutions, we can ensure your residents remain connected and engaged, no matter the circumstances, fostering a sense of community and well-being.

For more information on how Canquest can support your connectivity needs, visit our website or contact us today. Let’s work together to create a connected, healthier community for all.

1. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA). “Loneliness and Social Isolation in Long-Term Care During COVID-19.”

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