Choosing an Internet Service Provider: 3 Things to Consider – blog

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that choosing the right internet service provider is extremely important. And while it may seem straightforward, there are a number of things that you have to consider before committing to an internet service provider. To help simplify things, we thought it would be useful to put together a list of the most important factors that you need to consider. If this is something that you’re interested in learning more about, read on as we break down the most important factors that you need to take into consideration when choosing an internet service provider.

Price of the Service

The first thing to look at is the cost of each service. Most providers offer customers a promotional rate for a few years, after which the price goes up. The best deals happen when you can bundle services together; many providers offer a better rate for landline and Internet than they do for just Internet. Luckily, the prices of services are easily accessible and can be figured out via a quick Google search. Always ask what the regular charges are for internet service after you’re no longer on a promotion. Remember that as you add additional services, you’ll be eligible for another promotion, just to save money on your internet service.

Internet Speed

The next aspect to look for is your internet connection speed. You want to have a fast enough speed that makes your internet experience enjoyable, and one that is not too slow to be frustrating. Whenever someone quotes you a speed, pay attention to the wording. Speeds are always advertised according to the words “up to”, so be aware of what you will actually be getting. Also, consider your actual needs; if you only want a simple connection for email and browsing, 1-2 Mbps will be fine. If you want something faster, then 25-50 Mbps per second is recommended for multiple users.

Data Limits and Metered Connections

Aside from the price of the service and the speed of the internet, you’ll also want to consider if there are data caps. If you are a Windows 10 user, you may have noticed that the newest version of the operating system installs updates automatically. This means your computer will continue to update itself whether you require new updates or not. A workaround is to tell Microsoft that your internet connection is metered and to only download and install updates that are vital to the system. Annoyingly, a major update can use up all of your monthly data allocations.

The payment and re-connectivity procedures aren’t too hard, but many people can’t afford that. A portable mobile hotspot more than makes up for the higher-priced premium subscription charges, especially in the event that there is no other option available. Be prepared to keep track of how much data you use, which means you will have to be thrifty with your downloads. Sitting down at your local Starbucks with a pair of headphones is one way to do it; thanks to their Wi-Fi hotspot, you won’t have to pay for access. Regardless of the service provider, always make sure there is no data cap.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you choose the right internet service provider. As you can see, there is a slew of different things you have to consider when picking an internet service provider. While it may be a little tedious, finding a provider that can meet your needs will be incredibly helpful and more convenient in the long run. Be sure to keep everything that we’ve discussed here in mind so that you can make the most informed decision possible.

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